In a world where people are constantly inundated with entertainment options, Major League Baseball is struggling to keep up. Baseball has always been America's pastime, but in recent years, the game has seen a decline in popularity, with ratings and attendance at all-time lows.
To make the game more exciting, Major League Baseball needs to make some major changes.
Game Length: Baseball games are marathons, often stretching beyond three hours. This duration challenges the modern audience's attention span, especially when compared to the faster pace of sports like basketball or hockey.
Less action: There is not as much scoring in baseball as in other sports. This can make baseball games feel like they are dragging on forever, with minimal payoff.
Complex Rules: Baseball's rules can be daunting for newcomers, making it less accessible than other sports. This complexity often acts as a barrier, deterring potential fans from fully engaging with the game.
High Costs Price Out Families: Attending an MLB game has become a costly affair. For many families, the expense of tickets, parking, and concessions is extremely high, diminishing the game's appeal as a family-friendly activity. Some parks are more affordable than others but if you are a Red Sox fan like myself, you can't take the family to the game for less than $500.
In each area, the Savannah Bananas offer a stark contrast with their innovative approach, addressing the core issues plaguing traditional baseball. Their model presents an intriguing solution to revitalize the sport's appeal.